I finally got the last few rows of Little Birds finished, and I steeked it! I didn't bother to secure the stitches first...I was feeling lazy. And anyway, this yarn (Jamison's Shetland Spindrift) is like knitting with velcro. Those stitches aren't going anywhere!
I seamed the shoulders shut, and now all I have to do is six rows of garter stitch around the edges for the border. And hide those ends. Oh yeah, and buttons. I'm really bad about buttons. This sweater may never get finished. :-P
I also finally broke down and ordered a digital subscription to Yarn Forward magazine. At less than $4 an issue (with the current exchange rate), how can you go wrong? I really like the patterns that they show in their previews, and I'm hoping the articles are just as good. I'll let you know. :)
You're a brave, brave woman! I'm much too paranoid to just snip! And that magazine looks fantastic - might have to look into a subscription, too.
Have you tried the sweater on yet or are you waiting until it's finished?
Newbie to your blog and just poppin' in to say HI. I've never steeked anything before, so more power to you in cutting the sweater. It turned out really pretty.
Woo Hoo!
The sweater looks great!
I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of Yarn Forward. We really need a good knitting magazine.
I llllllove it! Must have been satisfying to get the last few rows in after the wait.
Always makes the heart beat faster to see that pair of scissors in the vicinity of the masterpiece, even if it's on purpose. In this case, the wielder knows exactly what she's doing, so I can relax.
Buttons - are you going to stick close to the pattern's or do something funky?
Can't wait to see it modeled!
Oooh, I always love to see steeking in progress. So thrilling!
I, too, am interested in hearing what you think about Yarn Forward, and hope you'll share your opinion.
You did a fabulous job! Steeking is scary, very scary, the first time. After that first time, though, it becomes one of the most favourited ways to construct a sweater! I find it especially helpful when doing colourwork that needs to match at the opening.
Be sure to have loads of chocholate and a bottle of wine to give you inspiration and support.
Go ahead and steek!!!!
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