This is a skein of Dream in Color Smooshy in the colorway Wisterious, and I love it! The fabulous Kristen from the Learner's Per-Knit blog sent it my way after I won a blogiversary drawing on her blog. You may remember that her blog post is partly responsible for me getting back to it myself. This skein of yarn dropped through the mail slot on my moving day and it was quickly stuck into a box, sealed up, and remained there until I was unpacking my office the other day. It was a nice surprise because I had forgotten all about it in the midst of all the other drama at the time.
If you don't read Kristen's blog, you really should. She creates wonderful knits and I always like keeping up with what's going on in her life.
So here's where the help comes in. Kristen put up a blog post today in which she talks about her mother's bout with cancer and upcoming laryngectomy. Kristen could really use some of the fabled knitterly generosity and is asking for help knitting/crocheting/sewing some stoma covers for her mother to use following surgery. She includes a link to a website with several patterns for how to make these items, and they look quite quick and easy.
If that's not enough to get your needles clacking, Kristen is also offering a drawing for a beautiful skein of Wollmeise and the sock pattern of your choice. Because Kristen is a bloggy friend of mine, I'm going to send her another little something to raffle off to participants, too. So go! Check out her blog, whip up some quick little projects (great stashbuster!) and get your name in the drawing for some great yarny prizes!!!
Count me in. Don't need any incentive to help either. So far this year I have lost 4 good friends to cancer.
Your view does look wonderful. I can't believe you didn't want a view of the ocean (he he).
Hopefully next post will say all is fixed, all is well and I love our new apartment! If not, we may have to add you to a prayer chain.
Linda (the one that isn't Johnny)
I'm definitely going to send something her way. Thanks for sharing the link, and being a good friend.
Also, your DIC is gorgeous!
Count me in!! I'll whip some up as soon as the baby lets me! Thanks so much for bringing attention to this.
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