I really and honestly have nothing exciting to show for the past few weeks. Work is keeping me busy (yay!) and I have mostly been working on small projects here and there. I'm waiting on materials/patterns for three different sample sweaters that I was hired to do, so I don't want to start any large projects now. I know that if I do, the sweaters will arrive in the mail and I will have to work on those, therefore losing all steam with my personal project which will be a joyless affair when I finally get back to it. This is one problem with being a monogamous knitter, but it is a burden I shoulder willingly.
In order to keep something on the needles, however, I have kept busy with these:

Yarn: Cascade 220 Heathers
Mods: None. I loved this pattern!

Yarn: Cascade 220 Heathers
Mods: Lengthened the wrist ribbing to 6.5", lengthened finger portions slightly.
Yarn: Malabrigo Lace in Purple Mystery
Mods: None

Yarn: Regia Design Line Kaffe Fassett in Storm
Mods: None

Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride leftovers
Because all of these projects are little ones and only take a couple of days to complete, I continuously find myself in that annoying in-between projects stage. I am constantly wondering what to knit next and it's driving me crazy! I really want to start a big lace project, but again with the sample sweaters. Plus the Evenstar Mystery Shawl KAL starts on Friday, so I will have that to keep me occupied as well. I just need to be patient for a few more days...
I sort of feel like I'm in the same boat as you, except not really because I always have a bunch of projects on the needles, except sort of because I pretend they don't exist and I therefore don't have anything to work on...
You've definitely been keeping busy, so many awesome projects!! I love your citron, the colour is incredible.
Love the picture of the shawl...such a nice photo!
I swear, your brother is the cutest thing ever.
Wonderful knitting! I am so glad that the shop is keeping you busy!
I know exactly what you mean. I'm waiting for yarn to arrive so I can knit a friend's veil. Nothing going on over here while I wait. I'm running out of fodder faster than usual. o.0
loving the hooded scarf, obvs your very busy, but was just wondering if ur doing the olympics?
Ahh work, isnt it fun? I've been working on getting ready for Stitches West. We leave the 20th to start driving there. My parents are coming this Sunday to pack most of it up. Oy, I need to hire someone hahahaha seriously. =P
Love the FOs!!! Btw, if you come up and visit, you'll see all of your knits on display all over the booth. =D
Um, yeah, even if you haven't been blogging (and neither have I of late), you have totally been productive. That is a lot of FOs! I love the Citrine. You got to use Malabrigo Lace! I love the Purple Mystery colorway; I used some worsted for a couple of pairs of mitts.
I LOVE your purple Citron - it's gorgeous!! I hate that between-project-limbo phase, too. I always feel like I spend so much time thrashing around trying to figure out what to make, what yarn to use, what needles, blah blah...too much planning, and too little knitting! But it looks like you've been extremely productive, and all your projects are, as usual, fabulous!
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