Reality sucks sometimes.
Reality is going to suck for exactly 6 more weeks.
I have been trying to concentrate on my final homework assignments, and I actually just shot off a 10-page marketing and positioning paper know what? Never mind. It's really not at all interesting. My point is that I'm trying to concentrate on work but all I can think about is knitting. I can't get it out of my head! It's like when I was in 6th grade and got obsessed with an old Rubik's cube and I got really good at solving it by going over and over all the solution moves in my head during class. I really think that's the reason I suddenly started having trouble with algebra. But I could solve your Rubik's cube in mere minutes!
Not exactly a marketable skill, as it turns out.
But now when I'm supposed to be working on my thesis paper, I keep finding myself reading blogs or poking around on Ravelry. It's ironic because if I would just buckle down and get some work done, I would actually have more time to do these things and I wouldn't have to feel guilty about it. But we all know how hard that can be, so I have to set little goals for myself: write notes on this script by 3:30, and you can knit 12 rows of the Lizard Ridge square. It's lame. I'm like the nursery school teacher to my inner child...or something.
But I have told myself that I can only work on small projects until I'm done with all this damn work. (That's going to be hard, especially when the box of yarn I bought on sale comes in the mail...but more on that later.) So here is what I have been working on:
Two squares of the Lizard Ridge blanket. My brother and I are making this together, kind of whenever we pick up balls of Kureyon. These were my first two squares and I was surprised by how much I like doing them! I used opposite ends of the same balls of yarn for each of these, and I was more than a little disappointed that they ended up having similar colors at each end. When I do more squares, I'm going to alternate two balls of yarn instead. This is a super-quick knit, plus you get really good at doing those short rows!
That's all for now...I have to go read some more homework crap. Can you believe my internship even gives me homework?!? WTF??? I'm already stretched to the limit here and they give me homework. Did I mention that reality sucks?
Hooray for the lizard ridge. I think I'm going to pick up a second ball of kureyon and knit the squares using two balls instead of just one. I hope my color choices don't clash too much!
Good luck making it through the end of the school year!
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