Yes, everything has been fine. I just got overwhelmingly busy in a short span of time and several things had to go by the wayside, this blog being one of them. I'll give you a (very) brief overview of my life this past year. There are prizes involved if you read to the end!!!
I'm starting the blog back up because I never really intended to let it slide. It just sort of...happened. And then Kristen was having a blogiversary giveaway on her blog, and I realized that we started blogging within a couple weeks of each other. We found each other's blogs way back in the beginning and I've been following her story for years. I also realized that my blogiversary would be the perfect opportunity to restart things. My brother was also very enthusiastic about the idea because he says he never knows what's going on with me otherwise. That was a good enough excuse for me, so here we are on my 4th Blogiversary.
So when last I left you a year ago, I had just been hired on to a new part-time job. Here is my life in a nutshell since then (complete with random FO shots):
1) Part-time job became full-time. Woohoo!

3) Quit job (sort of) to go back to school. Agreed to work part-time until replacement found.
4) Last fall semester: Worked 20 hours a week, volunteered 10 hours a week in psychology lab, took 6 classes, studied for GRE, applied to grad programs, managed to survive. Woohoo!
5) Didn't get in to grad school (shortage of research experience). Boo! :(
6) Spring semester: Volunteered in research lab, took 4 classes. Much easier to manage. Woohoo!

8) Started working at my favorite LYS on Saturdays. Woohoo!
It is now summer and I am still getting research experience in a different psychology lab on campus. The flexible schedule allows me to pick up random shifts at the LYS during the week and get to the gym more often. (Yes, I joined a gym. I'm super excited! It is brand new and it opened in April. It is women-only and has a spa and you can go to as many classes as you want. Woohoo! Unfortunately, my overzealous running habit caused me to come down with a nagging case of plantar fasciitis nearly three months ago. Still can't walk without limping. In fact, I just got a night splint and casts for custom orthotics today. Boo!)

Now that I have updated you on all the pertinent information, it's time for the fun stuff! I picked up some fun blog prizes at my LYS this week for three lucky commenters. All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment to let me know that I still have some readers. And hey, if my brother and my mother are the only ones who comment, then I guess we're keeping the yarn in the family. ;-)

Next I have two skeins of Universal Yarns Classic Shades in the Harvest colorway. I love this yarn, and I don't normally say that about mostly-acrylic blends. It is a 70/30 acrylic/wool machine washable yarn with amazing color changes. I would definitely opt for this over Noro any day. It is super soft to the touch and each colorway is very pretty--none of those "ugh" colors like you find in Noro. Two skeins will give you 394 yds of fall-colored glory. This is plenty of yarn for a couple of Noro Hats or a Noro Striped Scarf, without the scruffiness and veg matter from Noro.

And finally, lest you think I don't like Noro, I have a skein of their laceweight Kirameki. The color I have for you is a mix of pinks and purples which I think is just lovely. I got a skein for myself and made Grumperina's Volna scarf and I LOVE IT. I loaned it to the shop I work at to be used as a model so I'm looking forward to getting it back so I can wear it. ;-)

If you are interested in winning any of this yarn, or even if you aren't, please pop up and say hello. I will accept comments until this Friday, June 17. I would love it if you can let me know if there is anyone out there still reading this. LOL In the meantime, thank you for reading!
I'm still here! I have you in my Google Reader so your new post just popped up. I can understand why you haven't posted--you've been busy!
It has always been my dream to cut back on work and also to work in a LYS, so I'm envious of you right now!
All of the yarns are beautiful--would love to win any of them!
I have you in my Google Reader too so you just popped up. Beautiful FOs! I saw that Flicker yarn in my LYS recently and it's awesome. Welcome back to blogging!
Hooray! You're back! And I think I've only seen one of those FOs, so I'm glad you're blogging again. :) I went to my LYS today looking for 2.25mm DPNs and left with 5 balls of yarn... but no needles with which to knit them. Oops!
So good to hear from you. Sounds like you've had quite a year. Excited to see the posts you have in store! FOs look great, by the way!
Welcome back! We're out here! Those are some lovely bits of knitting you've got there. I'm encouraged that you've gone back to school again... good luck!
'Siegfried' reminds me of the focal character in Wagner's epic Ring cycle. He's actually the namesake of the third opera. The yarn could have been named after someone's cat, but I'll bet the cat was named after Wagner.
I also have you in my feed reader, enabling me to see this right away. Welcome back! I know how life likes to blindside you. Good luck in your search, I was laid off in January and am "temping" so I know how it goes. My mortgage seemed so reasonable at the time...
The Noro and Noro-esque yarns are lovely!
Welcome back from a lurker! Sounds like you have wonderful reasons for not blogging - actually doing things! I'm just lazy! That laceweight scarf looks like a must do project (hint hint)!
I am so glad you are back. You always brightened my day. It is as if the the clouds have opened and a little ray of sun has peaked out again! Thanks so much. Scott
Hello! I knew you were still alive, but I'm glad to see you here! Welcome back. I plan to make Volna with the skein I bought of Karameki, but you know, I'd have to actually knit for that to happen. ;)
Your FOs are beautiful!
I also had your blog in Google Reader. Yay technology!
Good luck with everything!
There you are! :D
Of course, I still read you. You know you're not getting rid of me after all these years, right?
Hello! You've had quite the year. My goodness. I hope things go well in the job department. I just got a permanent job myself, after over a year of looking (and temping), so hopefully the times are improving.
I certainly think some of the yarn should leave the family!
(My word-verification word is "gymboo", so I think blogger does not approve of your gym?)
Totally get the multiple degrees thing. At some point I found it best to decide what I LIKED to do and headed that way. Education is never wasted.
Thanks to Peter for cluing me in that you posted. I have you on my blog reader now.
I'm also a lurking reader. Missed you while you were gone. Saw your comment on Kristen's blog and am glad to see you're getting back into the swing of things. Would love to get any of the yarn. (I act like I have no stash of my own!!)
Welcome back!!
I was sent here by your brother, Yarndude. Looking forward to reading your blog, knitter that I am. Always enjoy other's ruminations on our favourite sport - mad knitting. Thanks. Love the prizes. Very generous of you.
I'm glad to hear that you're great! I missed reading your blog and listening to the podcast, I'm happy that this is back.
I'm glad to hear that you're great! I missed reading your blog and listening to the podcast, I'm happy that this is back.
So glad you're back! And what a busy year you've had!
Glad to see you're back!
Welcome back! Thanks to your brother (whose blog I also enjoy greatly) for helping me find you again. The scarf is lovely and I intend to try it out.
Happy blogiversary and welcome back to blogland.
Not here for a prize, just want to say hello. I know what it's like to restart after a long hiatus.
Hey, perhaps you can do come market research while you work at your LYS and make it count towards your graduate degree. :)
Good luck with whatever plan you come up with!
Welcome back! What a TERRIFIC post! I had an awesome time reading it and enjoying the great photos!!!
Glad to see you're alive and well and still knitting some beautiful pieces. Good luck with the job/school thing. Something good WILL come along.
I understand the job woes, I'm in the process of looking for one myself and although I knew it would be difficult, I didn't know it was going to be impossible!
Welcome back!
Whoo! You've been missed! Glad to see you are still knitting, sooo when will you guys start up the podcast again!? ;o)
yay, glad to see you back!
good luck with the job hunting. i hear you on the, "i went to school for THIS??" sentiment!
I followed on over from your brother's blog and have added you to my own reader - looking forward to reading about your adventures!
Still here, gotta love Google Reader! Hoping things settle down for you a bit!
Well, I will admit to not "still" being around, as I do not think I have read your blog before. I found you today through your brother's blog that I also just found today through another blog. Why yes I do fall in rabbit holes often. Why do you ask?
Anyways, based on your taste in yarn, I think we would get along splendidly so if you keep bloggin, I'll keep reading. Deal?
Pretty pretty yarns. Welcome back to the blogosphere!
Hi again! Good luck with grad school! Enjoy your summer.
You still have readers! Wouldn't mind if you started podcasting again either but I understand limited time. Welcome back!!
I second the comment about podcasting. I would love to hear from you more. Also, glad to see you are back to blogging.
Boy am I late to the party. 32 comments!! Guess we are all missing you and still listening. Podcast, blog, I don't care, just glad the smile is back.
Linda B (the one that isn't Johnny)
I'm still here! I would have commented sooner but I can't get to the blogging sites when I'm subbing :o( Thank goodness for Google Reader though :o)
So if you're blogging again does that mean we might be getting a podcast again soon too? I have to at least try :o)
I am glad that you are still around! Getting a job without going back to school is tough... that's why I work for myself now. ;) It was either retail or be a small business owner, and that was an obvious choice. ;) I'm jealous of you working at a LYS- that's awesome! Anyway, glad you're back!
i can't remember how i found your blog, but you're in my google reader feed! do you have a pattern for that "stripe study" throw? I love it!
Love that you have started blogging again. I found you and your brothers blogs from the knitbot blog
I was beginning to think it was me. Every blog I discovered and enjoyed seemed to stop shortly after I discovered it. I can keep enjoying yours after all! Thanks for sharing; and good luck with finding the job of your dreams.
I don't know how I missed seeing your blog, I love reading it! Those are lovely yarns that would be so much fun to knit. Good luck on the school vs. job decision. I hope you are able to do whatever you have a passion for.
Looks like a lot of us are still here. We knew you'd come back someday!
This is, like, obscenely untimely, but I wanted to say that I'm happy you're back :)
I just tripped over your blog because my daughter (ccr in ma) mentioned it. Re "my overzealous running habit caused me to come down with a nagging case of plantar fasciitis nearly three months ago. Still can't walk without limping. In fact, I just got a night splint and casts for custom orthotics today" I would like to tell my tale. 6-8 years ago I had plantar fascitis and was told by the foot doctor to go for orthotics. I mentioned this to my massage therapist, who said "nonsense, you buy Merrells". She told me that Merrells are shoes that will fix the problem. I have three pair of their clogs, four pair of their sandals and a pair of their ($65!) rubber thongs. I cannot overemphasize how well they work. I walk barefoot on the beach (3+ miles, 2-3 times/week) and make my legs emulate how they move in Merrells. I also wear them in the house (all tile floors). I have had no foot trouble at all. Can Google Merrell and look at them. They're not cheap but they're the best investment I've made in years.
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