Even though I don't have time to start one of these projects at the moment, I want to be prepared for when the time/mood strikes me. You know what this means, right? Shopping trip! Thankfully for my budget, from what I have gathered from others crochet cotton from Michaels is perfectly fine for a project like this.
So I dashed out to Michaels today, on a search for crochet cotton. I'll be honest here--I had no clue what I was looking for. How is "crochet cotton" any different from embroidery thread, or lace weight cotton yarn? Umm...I still don't know. But they had a bunch of it in its own section, and that's the important part of this story, right?
While I was standing there trying to decide what I needed, I was keeping the words of the fabulous Cookie in my head. She had done a Niebling and when I asked her what materials she used, she mentioned getting five skeins of Baroque cotton. Hmm...OK...they had exactly five 400-yd skeins at the shop, all in the same dye lot. But guess what? They also had some different stuff that came in larger balls. And lower down, they had some thicker thread. Hey, I could make an even bigger project with that!
But oooh...what is that? Waaaay down on the bottom shelf, tucked back from the edge so it's hard to see?
Why YES! It's a barrel-sized cone of size 10 crochet cotton! As the wrapper proudly proclaims, it has over 1.5 miles all tidily shrink-wrapped in plastic! That's a 2730-yard ball of mercerized cotton that is almost as big as my head! SCORE! (Regular-sized ball of sock yarn used for scale.)
In other news, I know I totally said I wasn't going to do the Ravelympics because I really don't see the point. But I got a Ravmail last night from the fabulous Liz of MacKintosh Yarns inviting me to participate in her "unofficial" group (groups had to be formed by January 15 to be official) and...you know what? I'm gonna do it. Just for the fun of it. I have deadline knitting that has to be a priority, but I'm hoping that I can crank out a pair of socks at the same time. I am intrigued by the Skew pattern from the Knitty surprise, so I'm going to make a pair out of ShubuiKnits Sock in the Spectrum colorway. I think they'll make a nice pairing. :)

I bet it's bigger than your head! I think you'd really like knitting Lyra, but whatever you decide to make will be gorgeous.
Did I ever tell you that I had a skein and almost two-thirds left from my Lyra? They're still in the project bag. *L*
Good luck with the knit along thingy. Looking forward to seeing those socks. They really are interesting, aren't they?
Skew socks in that colorway would look so cool. Can't wait to see the finished result.
wahey for olympic knitters!!! lovin the sock yarn, very pretty :D
Wow. You are ambitious. I somehow missed the KS this go-round. The Skew pattern looks fun!
That's too funny. Last time I was in Hobby Lobby I almost picked up some crochet cotton to make a small doily. What have we become?! Also, those socks are going to be awesome.
HA! I first read this post over the weekend on my phone and I laughed out loud when I saw the photo of the cotton next to the sock yarn! That thing is GINORMO! 2370 yards?! You will never run out of that stuff! Just awesome.
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